Scraped surface heat exchanger

For heating, cooling, crystallizing, pasteurizing, sterilizing.
Suited for:
- High viscosity products (e.g. filling creams, jams, gelatine, processed cheese)
- High difficulty products with large solid particulates (sauces and gravies),
- Crystallization through cooling (margarine, fat and butter),
- Efficient heat transfer through the inhibition of fouling.

- Manufactured with all sanitary/hygienic materials, suited to all processed products and the various CIP procedures.
- HD series can hold up to 30 bar, XHD series up to 80 bar cylinder pressure.
- Stainless steel frame.
- Heat exchange surface from 0,08 to 1,40 m2 per cylinder.
- Suited for all heating/cooling media: Steam, water, brine, glycol, ammonia, freon.
SSHE– model HD and XHD
Water – Brine – Glycol
Standard construction: St. Steel AISI 316L
- T-inox: St. Steel AISI 420 hardened
- WBC 50: Bimetallic, with high heat transfer coefficient
- Chrome plated nickel: With high heat transfer coefficient
Standard construction: Plastic: For AISI 316L cylinders
Options: St. Steel AISI 400 series: For the other cylinder
St. Steel AISI 304
Standard construction: St. Steel AISI 316L – 3 blade rows for HD 100-200, 4 rows for the other sizes
Options: Water circulated dasher to reduce adhesion of product
Dasher drive
Direct coupled gear drive – Belt drive for direct expansion models
SSHE – model HDE, HDE-M and XHDE
Freon – NH3
In the full flooded direct expansion system, a modulating valve controls the flow of liquid refrigerant from the supply, maintaining the correct liquid level in the evaporation chamber. around the product cylinder. A back pressure valve on the suction side controls the evaporating pressure.
Options: Built in freon refrigeration plant, water or air cooled.

SSHE– model VT
Standard construction: St. Steel AISI 316L
Options: T-inox: St. Steel AISI 420 hardened
Standard construction: Plastic: For AISI 316L cylinders
Options: St. Steel: For T-inox cylinder
St. Steel AISI 304
Standard construction: St. Steel AISI 316L
Dasher drive
Direct coupled gear drive

Your products
Per scaldare, raffreddare, cristallizzare, pastorizzare, sterilizzare.
Per il trattamento di prodotti:
• con elevata viscosità (quali creme di farcitura, marmellate, gelatine, formaggi fusi)
• con parti solide incorporate (salse e sughi)
• soggetti a cristallizzazione (margarine, grassi, burro)
• con tendenza a depositarsi sulle superfici di scambio.
• Costruiti con i materiali più adatti ai diversi prodotti e alle diverse procedure di lavaggio.
• Modelli HD fino a 30 bar, XHD fino a 80 bar.
• Struttura completamente inox.
• Superficie di scambio da 0,08 a 1,40 m2 per ogni cilindro.
• Funzionanti con vari fluidi di servizio: vapore, acqua, salamoia, glicole, ammoniaca, freon.
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